Ensimmäinen osa
- Luku 1 Tämän pamfletin ensimmäinen osa
on lyhyt puhe niille, jotka eivät ole lukeneet Mormonin kirjaa,
ja joille tuohon kirjaan uskovat kirkkokunnat eivät ole tuttuja.
Toinen osa on tarkoitettu Mormonin kirjaan uskoville. On olemassa
kolme selvästi toisistaan erottuvaa kirkkokuntaa, jotka pitävät
Mormonin kirjaa Jumalan sanana. (Tämä
- Luku 2
Lainauksia Mormonin kirjasta
Toinen osa
- Luku 3
Mormonin kirjaan uskoville
- Luku 4
Miten kirkko alunpitäen perustettiin ja miten he ajautuivat
- Luku 5
Ei ole Kristuksen opetusten mukaista, että yksi mies johtaa
kirkkoa ja saa sitä koskevia ilmoituksia.
- Luku 6
Koko Kristuksen oppi sisältyy noihin kahteen pyhään
- Luku 7
Ilmoitusten julkaisemisesta.
- Luku 8
Muutokset ja lisäykset joihinkin ilmoituksiin.
- Luku 9
- Luku 10
Valittu näkijä.
- Luku 11
- Luku 12
Kirkon nimen muuttaminen.
Hyvä lukija: Tämän pamfletin ensimmäinen osa
on lyhyt puhe niille, jotka eivät ole lukeneet Mormonin kirjaa,
ja joille tuohon kirjaan uskovat kirkkokunnat eivät ole tuttuja.
Toinen osa on tarkoitettu Mormonin kirjaan uskoville. On olemassa
kolme selvästi toisistaan erottuvaa kirkkokuntaa, jotka pitävät
Mormonin kirjaa Jumalan sanana:
- Kristuksen kirkko
- Uudelleenorganisoitu Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen
Kristuksen kirkko
- Myöhempien Aikojen Pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen kirkko
Näistä viimemainittu on Salt Lake Cityssä toimiva;
he uskovat moniavioisuuden oppiin, kun taas kaksi ensinmainittua
eivät usko tuohon oppiin.
Olen vanhin "Kristuksen kirkossa". Me uskomme Kristuksen
oppiin sellaisena kuin sitä opetetaan Uudessa testamentissa
ja Mormonin kirjassa, sillä samaa evankeliumia opetetaan näissä
molemmissa kirjoissa. Raamattu on itäisellä manterella
asuneiden juutalaisten pyhä aikakirja; Mormonin kirja on läntisellä
manterella eli Amerikassa asuneiden nefiläisten (Joosefin,
Jaakobin pojan jälkeläisten) pyhä aikakirja.
Intiaanit ovat jäännöstä tuosta kansasta, joka
ajaantui epäuskoon ja pimeyteen noin 350 vuotta sen jälkeen,
kun Kristus ilmestyi heille ja perusti kirkkonsa heidän keskuudessaan
saatettuaan päätökseen tehtävänsä
Me uskomme Kristukseen uskomiseen, parannuksentekoon ja kasteeseen
syntien anteeksisaamiseksi ja Pyhän Hengen lahjaan. Me uskomme
kätten päällepanoon sellaisena kuin sitä harjoitettiin
apostolien päivinä. Me uskomme kuolleiden ylösnousemukseen
ja iankaikkiseen tuomioon. Me uskomme myös Kristuksen sanoihin,
kun hän sanoi: "Nämä merkit seuraavat niitä,
jotka uskovat."
Uskomme kirkon eri virkoihin jne. löytyvät tämän
pamfletin toisesta osasta.
Kristuksen kirkko pitäytyy niihin alkuperäisiin oppeihin
ja järjestykseen, jotka ensimmäiseksi perustettiin Kristuksen
opetusten pohjalta kirjoitetussa sanassa vuonna 1829, kun Herra
toisen kerran puuttui tilanteeseen pannakseen alulle tosi evankeliumin
maan päällä voittaakseen takaisin kansansa, mikä
täyttää profetiat Raamatussa.
Me hylkäämme moniavioisuuden opin ja henkivaimoisuuden.
Se on suurta pahuutta, järkyttävää moraalitunnolle,
sitä enemmän kun sitä harjoitetaan uskonnon nimissä.
Se on ihmisestä eikä Jumalasta, ja se kielletään
nimenomaisesti Mormonin kirjassa näillä sanoilla: "Katso,
Daavidilla ja Salomolla oli tosiaan monta vaimoa ja sivuvaimoa,
mikä oli kauhistus minun silmissäni, sanoo Herra. ... Sillä älköön
teidän keskuudessanne yhdelläkään miehellä olko enempää kuin yksi
vaimo; älköönkä hänellä olko ainoatakaan sivuvaimoa, sillä minä,
Herra Jumala, olen mielistynyt naisten siveyteen." (Mormonin
kirja, s. 116, luku 2. kapp. 6). [Jaak. 2:24, 27, 28]
Me emme kannata kenenkään niin kutsuttujen mormonien
tai myöhempien aikojen pyhien oppeja, jotka ovat ristiriidassa
Herramme ja Vapahtajamme Jeesuksen Kristuksen evankeliumin kanssa,
sellaisena kuin sitä opetetaan Uudessa testamentissa ja Mormonin
He ovat suuresti erkaantuneet Kristuksen kirkon uskosta sellaisena
kuin se alunperin perustettiin noudattamalla Joseph Smithin kautta
annettuja ilmoituksia. Smith, joka sen jälkeen kun Jumala oli
kutsunut hänet kääntämään pyhää
sanaansa, Mormonin kirjaa, ajautui moniin harhoihin ja antoi monia
ilmoituksia pannakseen alulle oppeja, toimituksia ja kirkon virkoja,
jotka ovat ristiriidassa Kristuksen opetusten kanssa. He muuttivat
myös kirkon nimen. Myöskin heidän erkaantumisensa
uskosta on profetian mukaista.
Pyhä Henki sanoo selvästi, että viimeisinä aikoina jotkut luopuvat
uskosta ja alkavat seurata eksyttäviä henkiä ja pahojen henkien
opetuksia. (1 Tim. 4:1)
Sen vuoksi kun Jumala on antanut Joseph Smithille lahjan kääntää
levyt, joille oli kaiverrettu nefiläisten pyhät kirjat,
niin kirkon väki pani liikaa luottamusta häneen
ihmiseen ja uskoi hänen sanansa, ikään kuin
ne olisivat tulleet itsensä Jumalan suusta. He ovat luottaneet
lihan käsivarteen.
Näin sanoo Herra: -- Kirottu on se mies, joka turvaa
ihmisiin, katoavaisten ihmisten voimaan, mies, jonka sydän luopuu
Herrasta! (Jeremia 17:5)
He pitivät Joseph Smithiä lainantajana; me luotamme ainoastaan
Kristukseen, ja uskomme ainoastaan Jeesuksen Kristuksen uskontoon
emmekä kenenkään ihmisen uskontoon.
Moniavioisuuden oppi saatettiin käytäntöön
vasta noin neljätoista vuotta siitä kun kirkko oli perustettu,
mutta muita harhaoppeja pantiin alulle tätä ennen. Lähdin
yhdyskunnasta kesäkuussa 1838, viisi vuotta ennen kuin moniavioisuus
saatettiin käytäntöön.
Joseph Smithin ajautuminen harhaan Mormonin kirjan kääntämisen
jälkeen on koetinkivenä monille, mutta vain hyvin heikkouskoiset
kompastuvat tämän perusteella. Suurempia kauheuksia on
kirjattu muistiin Daavidista Raamatussa kuin mitä on kirjattu
Joseph Smithistä nykypäivänä, mutta hylkäätkö
psalmit tällä perusteella? Hylkäätkö Sananlaskut,
koska Salomo harjoitti moniavioisuutta? Pysähdy ajattelemaan,
sinä joka tuomitset hätiköiden.
Jos tahdot tietää, onko Mormonin kirja totta vai ei,
lue kirja ja tutki sitä, sillä Kristus on luvannut, että
se, joka etsii oikeata tietä, löytää totuuden
kaikista asioista. Meitä käsketään: "Koetelkaa
kaikkea ja pitäkää se mikä on hyvää." (1 Tess. 5:21)
Uudelleenorganisoitu Myöhempien aikojen pyhien Jeesuksen
Kristuksen kirkko uskoo, että Joseph Smith oli tosi profeetta
kuolemaansa saakka, ja he hyväksyvät hänen ilmoituksensa
Opin ja liittojen kirjassa. Ilmoitusta, jossa kehotetaan harjoittamaan
moniavioisuutta, ei ole painettu heidän Opin ja liittojen kirjaansa.
He eivät usko moniavioisuuden oppiin.
Myöhempien aikojen pyhien Jeesuksen Kristuksen kirkko
(kirkko Salt Lake Cityssä) uskoo, että Joseph Smith oli
tosi profeetta kuolemaansa saakka, ja he hyväksyvät hänen
ilmoituksensa, jotka he ovat julkaisseet Opin ja liittojen kirjassaan.
Tässä kirjassa on mukana ilmoitus moniavioisuudesta.
Niille, jotka haluavat tutkia Mormonin kirjan totuutta, on myöskin
kompastuskivenä se, kun he näkevät miten tuohon kirjaan
uskovat ovat jakautuneita, mutta jakaantumisen ovat aiheuttaneet
Joseph Smithin ilmoitukset.
Me, Kristuksen kirkko, jotka hyväksymme vain Raamatun ja Mormonin
kirjan uskomme säännöiksi ja oppaiksi, noudatamme
Kristuksen oppia ja evankeliumia.
The Book of Mormon comes forth claiming to be the scriptures of
the tribe of Joseph, written by holy men of God, which record has
been kept pure.
It claims that when the Bible was written by the tribe of Judah
(the Jews), it was plain to the understanding of men; and that many
plain and precious things have been taken from it by a great and
abominable church; and that on this account the Gentiles stumble
over the true doctrine of Christ.
The Book of Mormon comes forth claiming to make plain the doctrine
of Christ as taught in the New Testament, and it does make it so
plain that a child can understand it.
To all who are without prejudice, the Book of Mormon is the key
to the understanding of the Bible.
As I have stated, all who take it and the Bible alone as the guide
to their faith, agree on the doctrine of Christ.
I know that reproach has been brought upon the Book of Mormon.
Because some of those who believe it have drifted into wickedness,
the world has rejected the book and turned it aside as a thing of
naught; but if such persons will stop and think, they will see that
they refuse to read this book, which claims to be a message from
God, simply because some have transgressed who believe in the book!
Such persons are not very earnestly seeking for truth.
Those who have read the history of the apostolic church know,
that before John wrote the Revelation, many of those who believed
in Christ went into all manner of wickedness and heresies, practicing
those things in the name of Christ, and thereby brought reproach
upon the name "Christian."
Apostolic church history tells us that the Nicolaitanes (Ilm.
2:15), who departed from the faith by following Nicolas, one of
the first seven deacons (Apt. 6:5), were also called "Christians;"
also that many factions which sprang out of the Christian church,
also called themselves "Christians."
The Nicolaitanes claimed that Nicolas had received a revelation
from God to practice the doctrine of "free love," which is worse
than polygamy. (Irenaeus, Epiphanius, Hippolytus.)
Reproach was thus brought upon the name "Christian," just as it
has been brought upon the words of Christ--the Book of Mormon.
History tells us it was a disgrace in the eyes of the world to
be called a "Christian," even during the days of the apostles.
In Apt. 28:22 we find that the true church was evil spoken of.
"For as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken
Paul speaks of the reproach his disciples will have to bear for
his name, telling them many times that his disciples would always
be persecuted.
Peter prophesied (2 Piet. 2:1-2), that damnable heresies would
be brought into the church; "and many shall follow their pernicious
ways, by reason of whom The Way of Truth shall be evil spoken of."
So has it been in these last days. On account of the heresy of
polygamy and other heresies, "the way of truth" is evil spoken of;
and those who believe in all the scriptures of our Lord Jesus Christ,
are called by the world "Mormons," and are looked upon with more
or less shame by the majority of people; but we are willing to bear
the reproach for Him who died for us, for we know that the Book
of Mormon is His word, and by His word we can inherit eternal life
if was are faithful in keeping His commandments.
God's wisdom is not man's wisdom, and His ways are not man's ways.
He works in a way least expected by man.
He does his work in a way that all men may stumble and not understand,
unless their whole heart and desire is upon God, and not upon the
things of this world.
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
(1 Joh. 2:15.)
"Ye cannot serve God and mammon." (Matt. 6:24.)
He who makes up his mind to serve God with an eye single to his
glory, the light that is in him will not be darkness to the truth
as it is in Christ; such a person will overcome the stumbling-blocks.
He ordained that Christ should come as a stumbling-block to the
Jews, so that all who did not have an eye single to his glory might
stumble and not understand.
"And He (Christ) shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of
stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel,
for a sin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many
among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared,
and be taken." (Jes. 8:14-15.) (See also 1 Piet. 2:7-8, 1 Kor. 1:23,
Room. 9:32-33.)
The Jews did not expect the Christ to come in the way he did,
because the prophecies about his coming were obscure; so they rejected
The Gentiles cannot expect the words of Christ--the Book of Mormon--to
come in the way it has, because the prophecies about its coming
forth are obscure; so they have rejected it; but the stone which
the builders have rejected, the same will become the head of the
The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
The prophecies in the scriptures concerning the way in which Christ
would come to the Jews, are obscure, but they are just as God wanted
Likewise are the prophecies in the Bible concerning the coming
forth of the word of Christ in these last days, which is "the dispensation
of the fullness of times."
The prophecies which foretell the coming forth of the Book of
Mormon are fully as plain to the Gentiles, as the prophecies were
to the Jews concerning Christ's coming.
The people cannot understand why the Lord would bring forth his
word from "a book (plates) that is sealed" and was buried in the
ground by his ancient prophets on this land: and why He should have
the words of the book delivered "to one that is learned," telling
him to read it, etc.; (see Jes. 29) but the learned and wise men
of the world could not read it; God gave to an unlearned boy, Joseph
Smith, the gift to translate it by the means of a Stone.
See the following passages concerning the "Urim and Thummin,"
being the same means and one by which the Ancients received the
word of the Lord. (1 Sam. 28:6, Neh. 7:65, Esra 2:63, 4 Moos. 27:21,
5 Moos. 33:8, 2 Moos. 28:30, 3 Moos. 8:8.)
But this is a great stumbling-block to the people now.
They cannot understand why God would work in this manner to bring
forth his word; and why he would choose such a man as Joseph Smith
to translate it: and they think the canon of scripture is full:
and that angels do not minister unto men in these days.
But oh kind reader, if you desire to know the truth, be not hasty
to condemn and judge, but I pray you to investigate.
The scriptures teach that God works in a way least expected by
men. "Neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." (Jes. 55:8).
"How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding
out." (Room. 11:33).
Read Jes. 29, whole chapter, which is a prophecy concerning the
way in which the Book of Mormon was to come forth.
"Out of the ground;" "Out of the dust;" From, "the words of a
Book (plates) that is sealed:" The men of the world who are wise
and prudent in the eyes of the world, shall be confounded; they
will not understand the Lord's way of working. "For the wisdom of
their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent
men shall be hid." But the meek and lowly in heart will understand
it. "The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the
poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel." And those
who are spiritually blind and deaf shall "hear the words of the
Book," and "see out of obscurity, and out of darkness." "They also
that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that
murmured shall learn doctrine;" (The above quotations are from the
29th chapter of Isaiah.)
John, in his vision on the Isle of Patmos, of "things which must
be hereafter," saw "Another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having
the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth."
(Ilm. 14:6.)
In Jesaja 11:11-12, it is prophesied as follows: "and it shall
come to pass in that day (dispensation) that the Lord shall set
his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people
... and he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble
the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah
(the Jews) from the four corners of the earth."
The coming forth of the Book of Mormon is only a preparatory work
for the great and "marvelous work" of God which is yet to come in
gathering scattered Israel, which is spoken of so often through
the prophets.
The Book of Mormon contains many prophecies which are now and
have been during my life, under course of fulfillment.
It says that more records are yet to come forth from the "book
that is sealed," which book is the sacred scriptures or records
of the people who inhabited this land of America.
The children of Israel are to be gathered by the record of Judah
(the Bible); and the record of Joseph; of which record the Book
of Mormon is only a part.
I will now quote from Hesekiel 37:16-21, which is plain concerning
this matter.
Remember that in ancient times, writing was engraved upon stone
and upon metallic plates, and they also wrote upon parchment which
they rolled around a stick.
A roll of parchment was called a "stick."
"Moreover, thou son of man, take the one stick, and write upon
it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then
take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of
Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: and join
them one to another in one stick; and they shall become one in thine
And when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee, saying,
Wilt thou not show us what thou meanst by these? say unto them,
... Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will take the children of
Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather
them on every side, and bring them into their own land."
It is evident that this, like many other prophecies, refers to
the time when the Israel of God will be gathered together in righteousness
and holiness; when they shall be God's holy people forever. It says
in this chapter, 23d to 28th verses, that when they are gathered,
they shall "No more defile themselves with their idols ... nor with
any of their transgressions," and the Lord "will cleanse them, so
they shall be my people, and I will be their God." * * * and "they
shall walk in my judgments ... * and (I) will set my sanctuary in
the midst of them forevermore. ... And the heathen (all who are
not Israel) shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel when my
sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forevermore."
(Concerning a literal gathering of the House of Israel, in righteousness
and holiness, see chapter 2.)
The Gentiles are first now, and the Jews last: but the Jews and
all the House of Israel will be first some day, and the Gentiles
It is through the "fullness of the Gentiles," that the veil of
blindness which is now over Israel, shall be taken away.
The cup of iniquity of the Gentiles is almost full; then God will
turn to Israel, for Israel is not cast away forever.
"Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of
the Gentiles be come in. ... There shall come out of Sion, the Deliverer,
and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." (See Room. 11th chapter).
It is recorded in the American Cyclopedia and the Encyclopedia
Britannica, that I, David Whitmer, have denied my testimony as one
of the three witnesses to the divinity of the Book of Mormon; and
that the other two witnesses, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris,
denied their testimony to that Book.
I will say once more to all mankind, that I have never at any
time denied that testimony or any part thereof.
I also testify to the world, that neither Oliver Cowdery or Martin
Harris ever at any time denied their testimony.
They both died reaffirming the truth of the divine authenticity
of the Book of Mormon.
I was present at the death bed of Oliver Cowdery, and his last
words were, "Brother David, be true to your testimony to the Book
of Mormon.''
He died here in Richmond, Mo., on March 3d, 1850.
Many witnesses yet live in Richmond, who will testify to the truth
of these facts, as well as to the good character of Oliver Cowdery.
The very powers of darkness have combined against the Book of
Mormon, to prove that it is not the word of God, and this should
go to prove to men of spiritual understanding, that the Book is
To show the reader what I have had to contend with, I give you
below a copy of a leaflet which I had printed and distributed in
March, 1881.
A Proclamation "Unto all Nations, Kindred Tongues and People,
unto whom these presents shall come: "It having been represented
by one John Murphy, of Polo, Caldwell County, Mo., that I,
in a conversation with him last summer, denied my testimony
as one of the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
"To the end, therefore, that he may understand me now, if
he did not then; and that the world may know the truth, I
wish now, standing as it were, in the very sunset of life,
and in the fear of God, once for all to make this public statement:
"That I have never at any time denied that testimony or any
part thereof, which has so long since been published with
that Book, as one of the three witnesses.
Those who know me best, well know that I have always adhered
to that testimony.
And that no man may be misled or doubt my present views
in regard to the same, I do again affirm the truth of all
of my statements, as then made and published.
"'He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear;' it was no
What was written is written, and he that readeth let him
"And that no one may be deceived or misled by this statement,
I wish here to state: that I do not indorse polygamy or spiritual
It is a great evil, shocking to the moral sense, and the
more so, because practiced in the name of religion.
It is of man and not God, and is especially forbidden in
the Book of Mormon itself.
"I do not indorse the change of the name of the church,
for as the wife takes the name of her husband so should the
Church of the Lamb of God, take the name of its head, even
Christ himself.
It is the Church of Christ.
"As to the High Priesthood, Jesus Christ himself is the
last Great High Priest, this too after the order of Melchisedec,
as I understand the Holy Scriptures.
"Finally, I do not indorse any of the teachings of the so-called
Mormons, of Latter Day Saints, which are in conflict with
the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as taught
in the Bible and Book of Mormon; for the same gospel is plainly
taught in both of these books as I understand the word of
"And if any man doubt should he not carefully and honestly
read and understand the same, before presuming to sit in judgment
and condemning the light, which shineth in darkness, and showeth
the way of eternal life as pointed out by the unerring hand
of God.
"In the spirit of Christ who hath said: 'Follow thou me,
for I am the life, the light and the way.'
I submit this statement to the world.
God in whom I trust being my judge as to the sincerity of
my motives and the faith and hope that is in me of eternal
"My sincere desire is that the world may be benefited by
this plain and simple statement of the truth.
"And all the honor be to the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost, which is one God. Amen. David Whitmer." "Richmond,
Mo., March 19, 1881."
"We, the undersigned citizens of Richmond, Ray County, Mo.,
where David Whitmer, has resided since the year A.D. 1838,
certify that we have long and intimately acquainted with him
and know him to be a man of the highest integrity, and of
undoubted truth and veracity.
"Given at Richmond, Mo., this March 19, A.D. 1881.
Gen. Alexander W. Doniphan. |
Hon. Geo. W. Dunn, Judge of the Fifth Judicial
Circuit. |
Thos. D. Woodson, President of Ray Co. Savings
Bank. |
J. T. Child, editor of Conservator. |
H.C. Garner, Cashier of Ray Co. Savings Bank. |
L. C. Cantwell, Postmaster, Richmond. |
Geo. I. Wasson, Mayor. |
Jas. A. Davis, County Collector. |
C. J. Hughes, Probate Judge and Presiding Justice
of Ray County Court. |
Geo. W. Trigg, County Clerk. |
W. W. Mosby, M.D. |
W. A. Holman, County Treasurer. |
J.S. Hughes, Banker, Richmond. |
James Hughes, Banker, Richmond. |
D. P. Whitmer, Attorney-at-Law. |
Hon. Jas. W. Black, Attorney-at-Law. |
Thos. McGinnis, ex-Sheriff Ray County. |
J. P. Quesenberry, Merchant. |
W. R. Holman, Furniture Merchant. |
Lewis Slaughter, Recorder of Deeds. |
Geo. W. Buchanan, M. D. A.K. Reyburn." |
From the Richmond, (Mo.) Conservator, March 24, 1881.
An Explanation.
"Elsewhere we publish a letter from David Whitmer, an old and
well-known citizen of Ray, as well as an indorsement of his standing
as a man, signed by a number of the leading citizens of this community,
in reply to some unwarranted aspersions made upon him.
"There is no doubt that Mr. Whitmer, who was one of the three
witnesses of authenticity of the gold plates, from which he asserts
that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon (a fac simile of
the characters he now has in his possession with the original records),
is firmly convinced of its divine origin, and while he makes no
effort to obtrude his views or beliefs, he simply wants the world
to know that so far as he is concerned there is no 'variableness
or shadow of turning.' Having resided here for near a half of a
century, it is with no little pride that he points to his past record
with the consciousness that he has done nothing derogatory to his
character as a citizen and believer in the son of Mary, to warrant
such an attack on him, come from what source it may, and now with
the lilies of seventy-five winters crowning him like an aureole,
and his pilgrimage on earth well nigh ended, he reiterates his former
statements, and will leave futurity to solve the problem that he
was but a passing witness to its fulfillment. His attacks on the
vileness that has sprung up with the Utah Church, must have a salutary
effect upon those bigamists who have made adultery the cornerstone
in the edifice of their belief."
Besides other false statements that are in the two encyclopedias
above mentioned is the old story of the Spaulding manuscript.
That is, that, one Solomon Spaulding who died in Amity, Penn.,
in 1816, had written a romance, the scene of which was among the
ancient Indians who lived in this country.
That Spaulding died before he published his romance, and that
Sydney Rigdon got hold of the manuscript in a printing office and
copied it; that subsequently the manuscript was returned to Solomon
Spaulding; that thirteen years after the death of Spaulding, in
1829, Rigdon became associated with Joseph Smith, who read the Spaulding
manuscript from behind a blanket to Oliver Cowdery, his amanuensis,
who wrote it down.
Hence the origin of the Book of Mormon.
This is what is claimed by the enemies of the book: Satan had
to concoct some plan to account for the origin of that book.
I will say that all who desire to investigate the Spaulding manuscript
story will not be obliged to go very far before they will see the
entire falsity of that claim.
I testify to the world that I am an eyewitness to the translation
of the greater part of the Book of Mormon.
Part of it was translated in my father's house in Fayette, Seneca
County, N.Y.
Farther on I give a description of the manner in which the book
was translated.
When the Spaulding story was made known to believers in the book,
they called for the Spaulding manuscript, but it could not be found;
but recently, thanks to the Lord, the original manuscript has been
found and identified.
It has been placed in the library of Oberlin College, Oberlin,
Ohio, for public inspection.
All who have doubts about it being the original Spaulding manuscript,
can satisfy themselves by visiting Oberlin and examining the proofs.
The manuscript is in the hands of those who are not believers
in the Book of Mormon.
They have kindly allowed the believers in the book to publish
a copy of the manuscript, with the proofs that it is the manuscript
of Solomon Spaulding.
There is no similarity whatever between it and the Book of Mormon.
Any one who investigates this question will see that the Spaulding
manuscript story is a fabrication concocted by the enemies of the
Book of Mormon, in order to account for the origin of that book.
Neither Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris or myself
ever met Sydney Rigdon until after the Book of Mormon was in print.
I know this of my own personal knowledge, being with Joseph Smith,
in Seneca County, N.Y., in the winter of 1830, when Sydney Rigdon
and Edward Partridge came from Kirtland, Ohio, to see Joseph Smith,
and where Rigdon and Partridge saw Joseph Smith for the first time
in their lives.
The Spaulding manuscript story is a myth; there being no direct
testimony on record in regard to Rigdon's connection with the manuscript
of Solomon Spaulding.
I have in my possession the original manuscript of the Book of
Mormon, in the handwriting of Oliver Cowdery and others, also the
original paper containing some of the characters transcribed from
one of the golden plates, which paper Martin Harris took to Professor
Anthon, of New York, for him to read : "the words of a book that
is sealed:" but the learned professor, although a great linguist
could not read the language of the Nephites.
There is some evidence in the American Cyclopedia favorable to
the Book of Mormon that I will speak of. It is as follows: "Martin
Harris called upon Prof. Anthon, of New York, with a transcript
on paper which Smith had given him of the characters on one of the
golden plates.
'This paper,' Prof. Anthon said, in a letter dated New York, Feb.
17, 1834, 'was in fact a singular scroll.
It consisted of all kinds of crooked characters, disposed in columns,
and had evidently been prepared by some person who had before him
at the time a book containing various alphabets.
Greek and Hebrew letters, crosses and flourishes, Roman letters,
inverted or placed sideways, were arranged and placed in perpendicular
columns," etc.
The "learned" could not read it, and the book was delivered to
him that is not learned.
I will quote two verses from the twenty-ninth chapter of Isaiah,
which is the prophecy regarding this matter.
"And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book
that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed:
and the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read
this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned." (Verses 11 and
No man could read it, but God gave to an unlearned boy the gift
to translate it.
I will now give you a description of the
manner in which the Book of Mormon was translated.
Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into
a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his
face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light
would shine.
A piece of something resembling parchment
would appear, and on that appeared the writing.
One character at a time would appear, and
under it was the interpretation in English.
Brother Joseph would read off the English
to Oliver Cowdery, who was his principal scribe, and when it was
written down and repeated to Brother Joseph to see if it was correct,
then it would disappear, and another character with the interpretation
would appear.
Thus the Book of Mormon was translated by
the gift and power of God, and not by any power of man.
The characters I speak of are the engravings on the golden plates
from which the book was translated.
They were engraved thereon by the hand of a holy prophet of God
whose name was Mormon, who lived upon this land four hundred years
after Christ.
Mormon's son, Moroni, after witnessing the destruction of his
brethren, the Nephites, who were a white race--they being destroyed
by the Lamanites (Indians)--deposited the golden plates in the ground,
according to a command of God.
An angel of the Lord directed Brother Joseph to them.
The language of the Nephites is called the reformed Egyptian language.
I will give you the preface to the Book of Mormon, written by
Moroni, and translated in the same manner as the Book was translated.
An Account Written By The Hand Of Mormon Upon Plates Taken From
The Plates Of Nephi. "Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record
of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites; written to
the Lamanites; who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also
to Jew and Gentile; written by way of commandment, and also by
the Spirit of prophesy and of revelation. Written and sealed up,
and hid up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed; to
come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation
thereof; sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hid up unto the Lord,
to come forth in due time by the way of Gentile; the interpretation
thereof by the gift of God. "An abridgment taken from the Book
of Ether: also, which is a record of the people of Jared; who
were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of
the people, when they were building a tower to get to heaven:
which is to show unto the remnant of the house of Israel what
great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they
may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off
forever; and also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that
Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto
all nations. And now if there are faults, they are the mistakes
of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may
be found spotless at the judgment seat of Christ." "Moroni."
Also The Testimony Of The Three Witnesses
"Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people,
unto whom this work shall come, that we, through the grace of
God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates
which contain this record, which is a record of the people of
Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of
the people of Jared, who came from the tower of which hath been
spoken, and we also know that they have been translated by the
gift and power of God, for His voice hath declared it unto us;
wherefore we know of a surety, that the work is true. And we also
testify that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates;
and they have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not
of man. And we declare with words of soberness, that an angel
of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our
eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon;
and we know that this is by the grace of God the Father, and our
Lord Jesus Christ that we beheld and bear record that these things
are true; and it is marvelous in our eyes, nevertheless, the voice
of the Lord commanded us that we should bear record of it; wherefore,
to be obedient unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony
of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christi,
we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found
spotless before the judgment seat of Christ, and shall dwell with
him eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father,
and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.
Oliver Cowdery David Whitmer Martin Harris."
And Also Testimony Of Eight Witnesses.
"Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people,
unto whom this work shall come, that Joseph Smith, Jr., the translator
of this work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been
spoken, which have the appearance of gold; and as many of the
leaves as the said Smith hath translated, we did handle with our
hands, and we also saw the engravings thereon, all of which has
the appearance of ancient work, and curious workmanship. And this
we bear record with words of soberness, that the said Smith has
shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted, and known of a surety,
that the said Smith has got the plates of which we have spoken.
And we give our names unto the world to witness unto the world
that which we have seen; and we lie not, God bearing witness of
it. Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., John
Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith, and Samuel
H. Smith."
Dear Reader:-I want to ask you this question, if you are an unbeliever
in the Book of Mormon, and I hope you will study over it prayerfully.
The testimony of seven men, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter,
and Jude, comes down to us eighteen hundred years old; you accept
their testimony as true.
Today we have the testimony of eleven witnesses who have lived
in our generation one of which (myself) is still living -- these
eleven men having lived honorable and upright lives -- but you reject
their testimony and accept the testimony of the seven men who have
been dead eighteen hundred years.
If you will not grant a possibility of the Book of Mormon being
true, and sit in judgment and hastily condemn it after reading what
I have written, you can surely see for yourself that your heart
is full of prejudice.
Remember that prejudice is not of God.
It is the spirit that hastily condemned and stoned the prophets
of God in all ages past.
So beware, and look well to your own heart, that Satan does not
blind your understanding to the truth.
If you are open to investigation and conviction, I pray you to
read the Book of Mormon with a prayerful heart.
All persons who are spiritual, having a fair understanding of
the scriptures, how they can read that Book and reject it, is very
strange indeed.
The Book carries conviction with it.
The wise men of this world could never write a book like it.
Any one without prejudice, who is honestly seeking for the truth,
can see the finger of God in that book.
It makes plain the doctrines which are so obscure in the New Testament,
and over which the religious world is divided.
For instance, the mode of baptism; the "signs" or spiritual gifts
which Christ said in plain words should follow them that believe
in Him.
All who are not blinded to the understanding of the New Testament
scriptures, will admit that the spiritual gifts should be with the
believers in Christ today, is because they have not that strong
and living faith that the ancient church had -- down to about 200
years after the death of the Apostles: the Book of Mormon explains
this matter in full.
Likewise many other questions of vital importance in the doctrine
of Christ, which the Christian world has been contending and disputing
about for ages, this Book comes forth from God to explain them.
As we know, Christ and the apostle have taught that man must worship
God in His appointed way; that is, that they must be right as to
the true points of Christ's doctrine: But because a man is right
on the doctrine of Christ, this alone will not entitle him to the
highest glory hereafter.
We are taught that we must endure faithful unto the end, and bring
forth fruit.
Coming into the fold of Christ is simply the birth into the church;
we are then babes, and from a babe we must grow in charity, grace,
and knowledge, on toward the full stature of the perfect man in
Christ; and to grow, we must walk in the Spirit, having the fruits
of the Spirit, which is "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."
Then we are Christ's, and "have crucified the flesh with the affections
and lusts." (Gal. 5:22-24).
This is the subject that is nearest my heart.
The Spirit of Christ in man.
I could write volumes on this subject, but why should I, when
God's Holy Word is so full upon this matter.
Those who cannot understand from the Word of God regarding the
boundless love and Spirit of Christ, which Spirit must be in man
or he is not Christ's, they could not comprehend it from my writing,
however eloquent I might be.
It is a gift which God alone gives to man, when man complies with
certain conditions of heart as laid down in God's Word.
The object of this pamphlet is to guide some honest hearts into
the true doctrine of Christ, hoping that when they have found the
straight and narrow way, that they may continue to walk therein,
and bring forth much fruit to the glory of God.
I desire to say a few words concerning the Holy Ghost, which is
the Spirit of Christ -- the greatest gift of God to man.
Many people claim to have this gift.
I am not judging anyone, but I will tell you how we can tell when
we have the Spirit of Christ; and when we have not this feeling
and spirit, we have not His Spirit.
When we have the Spirit of Christ, our hearts are filled with
the love of God that reaches out and takes in all men, even our
We then have every particle of prejudice, malice, envy and hatred
cast out of our heart; we then have no hatred whatever toward any
person, even an enemy.
Remember the words of Christ: "For if ye love them which love
you, what reward have ye? Do not even the Publicans the same? But
I say unto you, Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do
good to them that hate you. * * * That ye may be the children of
your Father which is in heaven."
Nothing short of this is the Spirit of Christ.
By this you can know whether you have the Holy Ghost or not.
This is the test.
The religion of Jesus Christ is embodied in one word, and that
word is Love; it is the first and great commandment, for on it hangs
the law and the prophets.
Charity is the great lack of religious professors.
As we love and judge others, so we will be judged at the last
The principal idea in religion is the fatherhood of God, and brotherhood
of man.
Christ taught us to pray, Our Father who art in heaven.
Our motive in serving God must be love and not fear.
Those who have never had the gift of the Holy Ghost, cannot understand
how a person could actually love and do good to any enemy; but those
who have this gift can understand some things of the Spirit of God,
because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Kor. 2:14.)
He who cannot forgive an enemy and actually love him and do good
to him, has not yet been born again, and has not the Spirit of Christ.
"Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his."
(Room. 8:9.)
When a man has this spirit -- which is the Holy Ghost -- he loves
all men so much that his greatest desire in this world is to do
the greatest amount of good to his fellowman that is possible.
What is the greatest good I can do to my fellowmen?
It is to turn their footsteps heavenward; to preach the gospel
and the love of Christ to them.
The spirit of Christ is unselfish.
It will act in all men today as it did in Paul.
He said: "Not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many,
that they may be saved." (1 Kor. 10:33.)
My soul enlarges when I contemplate this subject.
My heart goes out in fervent zeal and love for the children of
men, in my great desires for their salvation; but God is just, and
in His wisdom we are here in this world to suffer trials for a season,
which will work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight
of glory, if we are faithful while here in this world.
God has placed man on the earth to be a free agent unto himself,
and he receives good or evil, truth or error, just according to
the way his heart is inclined.
In chapter ii, I give a few quotations from the Book of Mormon.
I would especially call the reader's attention to chapter iv,
in Part Second of this pamphlet, in which I explain how the church
drifted in errors by giving heed to revelations that were given
by Joseph Smith after he had translated the Book of Mormon.
I have briefly noticed some of the evidences of that Book, hoping
that this pamphlet may fall into the hands of some honest hearts
who love the Lord in deed and in truth; who are willing to take
upon themselves reproach for the name of Christ, and that by reading
this work they may be led to investigate the evidence of the truth
of that Book -- which are many -- and become convinced that it is
the Word of God.
Part Second of this pamphlet is an address to the Latter Day Saints
to point out the errors they are in.
By reading the address to them you can understand the position
of the Church of Christ, and how the Latter Day Saints have in great
measure departed from the faith of the church as it was first established.
I will close this chapter by some quotations from the Book of
Mormon, and a few remarks.
"And when ye shall receive these things (the Book of Mormon),
I would exhort you that ye ask God, the eternal Father, in the name
of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with
a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will
manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost;
and by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all
things." (Moroni 10:1.)
"For it (the Book of Mormon) shall be brought out of darkness
unto light, according to the Word of God; yea, it shall be brought
out of the earth, and it shall shine forth out of darkness, and
come unto the knowledge of the people: and it shall be done by the
power of God. ... It shall come in a day when the power of God shall
be denied (2 Tim. 3:5), and churches become defiled, and shall be
lifted up in the pride of their hearts; yea, even in a day when
leaders of churches, and teachers, in the pride of their hearts,
even to the envying of them who belong to their churches; yea, it
shall come in a day when there shall be heard of fires, and tempests,
and vapors of smoke in foreign lands; and there shall also be heard
of wars and rumors of wars, and earthquakes in divers places." (Book
of Mormon, chap. iv, par. 2,3.)
Dear reader, can you not discern the signs of the times?
God is beginning to warn the inhabitants of the earth, and these
signs shall increase.
The fullness of the iniquity of the Gentiles is nigh at hand --
in the Lord's manner of speaking. Christ says in the Book of Mormon,
that destructions will come upon this nation if they do not repent.
I cry unto you with all my soul, repent! repent! and seek unto
God that you may know the truth of these things, whether that book
is from God or not.
It is truly the straight and narrow way. Straight means close,
narrow, and difficult to find.
Christ said, "Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it," If the truth
as it is in Christ is hid away down in the depths of the so-called
Mormon Problem, it is truly the straight and difficult way to find.
And I will say to all who desire to have part in the first resurrection,
having the whole truth as it is in Christ, that in the depth of
these seeming mysteries and stumblingblocks, there you will find
the Pearl of Great Price. May God help you dear reader, to break
the bands of Satan -- give up this vain world -- and fulfill the
mission for which the God of heaven created you into the world.
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