Noin 150 vuoden ajan historiastaan MAP-kirkon johtajat väittivät
kivenkovaan, ettei Mormonin kirjaan ollut koskaan tehty opillisluonteisia
muutoksia. Joseph Fielding Smith esimerkiksi lausui vuonna 1961
... Mormonin kirjan 2. tai missään muussakaan painoksessa
ei ole ollut yhtään kohtaa, joka olisi millään
tavoin ristiriidassa 1. painoksen kanssa, ja tehdyt muutokset
teki Joseph Smith ja ne johtuivat Mormonin kirjan julkaisemisen
vaikeista olosuhteista. Mutta mitään opillisia muutoksia
ei tehty. Nämä Belialin pojat, jotka sellaisia kertomuksia
levittävät, luulevat tietävänsä paremmin.
En halua käyttää mielessäni olevaa nimitystä.
The Improvement Era, jouluk. 1961, ss. 924-925.
Mormonin kirjaan on tehty yli 3 913 muutosta; niistä kaikki
eivät ole vähäpätöisiä.
Although the recent "line" on the changes in the Book of Mormon
from the LDS church is that all the changes are unimportant; actual
examination does not bear this out, especially when one considers
the contention by Joseph Smith himself (ks. Saint's Herald,
15.11.1962 s. 16) that the golden plates were supposedly translated
letter-by-letter "by the power of God." (History Of The
Church, osa 1, ss. 54-55)
Kirjoitusvirheet ovat asia sinänsä, aivan toista ovat
keskeiset opilliset muutokset, maalaisjärjen rakoilu ja suuret
virheet johdonmukaisuudessa.
Opillisia ongelmia
1830 |
Nykyversio |
Nimiösivu | Joseph Smith, jr., author and proprietor |
translated by Joseph Smith, jr. |
1 Nefi s. 25 |
Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the
mother of God, after the manner of the flesh. |
1 Ne 11:18 the mother of the Son of
God. |
1 Nefi s. 25 |
...behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Eternal
Father! |
1 Ne 11:21 yea, even the Son of the Eternal
Father! |
1 Nefi s. 26 |
And I looked and beheld the Lamb of God, that
he was taken by the people; yea, the Everlasting God
was judged of the the world... |
1 Ne 11:32 ...yea, the Son of the Everlasting
God was judged of the world... |
1 Nefi s. 32 |
...that the Lamb of God is the Eternal Father
and the Saviour of the world. |
1 Ne 13:40 ...the Lamb of God is the Son of
the Eternal Father and the Savior of the world. |
2 Nefi s. 37 |
...and the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth
himself not...
Vrt. Jesaja 2:6-9
2 Ne 12:9 and the mean man boweth not down
and the great man humbleth himself not... |
2 Nefi s. 117 |
and many generations shall not pass away among
them, save they shall be a white and delightsome people. |
2 Ne 30:6 and many generations shall not pass
away among them, save they shall be a pure and delightsome
people. |
Alma s. 236 |
I know that Jesus Christ shall come; yea the Son
of the only begotten of the Father... |
Alma 5:48 I know that Jesus Christ shall come;
yea the Son,[?] the only begotten of the Father... |
Alma s. 303 |
yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea,
decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable,.
according to their wills... |
Alma 29:4 yea, I know that he allotteth unto men [?].according
to their wills...
Alma 29:4 yea, I know that he allotteth unto men,
yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable,.
according to their wills... |
Alma s. 315 |
But behold, as the seed swelleth and sprouteth
and beginneth to grow, and then ye must needs say, That seed
is good; for behold, it swelleth and sprouteth and beginneth
to grow. |
Alma 32:30 But behold, as the seed swelleth and
sprouteth and beginneth to grow, and then ye must needs say,
That seed is good; for behold, it swelleth and sprouteth and
beginneth to grow. And now behold, will not this strengthen
your faith? Yea, it will strengthen your faith: for ye will
say that I know that this is a good seed; for behold, it sprouteth
and beginneth to grow. |
Alma s. 328 |
yea, and that ye preserve these directors. |
Alma 37:21 yea, and that ye preserve these interpreters. |
Alma s. 328 |
And now my son, these directors were prepared
that the word of God might be fulfilled... |
Alma 37:24 And now my son, these interpreters
were prepared that the word of God might be fulfilled... |
Epäloogisuuksia ja kieliopillisia virheitä
1830 |
Nykyversio |
Moosia s. 200 |
...on learning from the mouth of Ammon that king
Benjamin had a gift from God... |
Mosiah 21:28 ...on learning from the mouth of
Ammon that king Mosiah had a gift from God... |
Moosia s. 214 |
My soul was wrecked with eternal torment... |
Mosiah 27:29 My soul was racked with eternal
torment... |
Alma s. 260 |
Behold, the Scriptures are before you; if ye will
arrest them, it shall be to your own destruction. (also
p.336) |
Alma 13:20 Behold, the Scriptures are before you;
if ye will wrest them, it shall be to your own destruction. |
Alma s. 270 |
And it came to pass, when they had arriven
in the borders of the land... (also p.443) |
Alma 17:13 And it came to pass, when they had
arrived in the borders of the land... |
Alma s. 278 |
the multitude beheld that the man had fell
dead... (also p.310) |
Alma 19:24 the multitude beheld that the man had
fallen dead... |
Alma s. 299 |
Now when Ammon and his brethren saw this work
of destruction among those who they so dearly beloved,
and among those who had so dearly beloved them... |
Alma 27:4 Now when Ammon and his brethren saw
this work of destruction among those whom they so dearly
beloved, and among those who had so dearly beloved them... |
Alma s. 351 |
...he went forth among the people, in the air, that all might see the writing
which he had wrote upon the rent... |
Alma 46:19 ...he went forth among the people,
waving the rent part of his garment in the air, that
all might see the writing which he had written upon the
rent part... |
Alma s. 353 |
to remove the cause of diseases which was subsequent
to men by the nature of the climate |
Alma 46:40 to remove the cause of diseases to
which men were subject by the nature of the climate |
Alma s. 388 |
For behold, Ammon had sent to their support... |
Alma 57:17 For behold, Ammoron had sent
to their support... |
Monia muitakin kohtia voitaisiin lainata. On selvää,
että vaikka Herra sanelikin teoksen kirjain kirjaimelta, Hän
ei osannut tavata, pitää koossa oppejaan tai henkilöitään,
ja Hänellä oli myös vakavia vaikeuksia kieliopin
ja logiikan puolella. Mikä kummallisempaa, kaikista näistä
muutoksista huolimatta kirjassa esiintyy seuraavanlaisia outoja
Jaakob 7:27 |
and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that
many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieu. |
Mitä tämä ranskalainen sana tekee
amerikkalaisessa dokumentissa, jonka muka joku heprealainen
kirjoitti noin vuonna 421 ennen ajanlaskumme alkua, ja jonka
amerikkalainen käänsi 1800-luvun alkupuolella? |
Helaman 9:6 |
...when the judge had been murdered, he being
stabbed by his brother by a garb of secrecy... |
How can one be stabbed by a garb (garment)? |
Alma 13:1 | brethren, I would cite your minds forward
to the time when the Lord God gave these commandments unto
his children... |
How can you "cite" someone's mind "forward"
to something that happened in the past? |
Alma 24:19 |
... he hautasivat rauhanaseensa eli hautasivat
sota-aseensa rauhan säilyttämiseksi. |
Mikä on rauhanase, ja voiko se olla sama
kuin sota-ase? |
Alma 43:38 |
they being shielded from the more vital
parts of the body,... |
How does one shield oneself from the vital parts
of one's own body? |
Eter 15:31 |
And it came to pass that after he had smitten
off the head of Shiz, that Shiz raised up on his hands and fell;
and after that he struggled for breath, he died. |
Suomentaja on kaiketi hikoillut tämänkin
lauseen kanssa, ja joutunut logiikan nimissä jättämään
yksinkertaisesti kirjoittamatta, että pää hakattiin
poikki. Suomenkielisessä versiossahan lukee vähän
kummallisesti vain, että "kun hän oli iskenyt
Siisin pään, Siis nousi käsiensä varaan
ja vaipui maahan; ja ponnisteltuaan vetääkseen henkeä
hän kuoli." Jos ihmisen pää on hakattu irti
ruumiista, ruumis tuskin punnertaa käsivarsiensa varaan
eikä pääkään varmaan enää
hauko henkeä. |
Tässä lyhyessä esityksessä ei ole edes kosketeltu
monia muita tieteellisiä mahdottomuuksia, anakronismeja ja
ristiriitoja logiikassa, joita Mormonin kirjassa yhä on.